Plot Summary:A top joint-production blockbuster helmed by Wai Kar Fai and starring top talents from Hongkong, Singapore and China, this story tells of the differing fates of two twin brothers with very different looks and personalities. Filmed in Shanghai and Singapore, this story stars Hongkong's Jordan Chan, Singapore's Fann Wong and Christopher Lee, and mainland Chinese star newcomers Huang Yi and Hao Lei.
逐尘 • 如题 有情有义
前年又重新看了这部小时候最喜欢的电视剧, 我记得有一晚看电视的时候停电,我的小伙伴 我妹妹我们一起跑出去到奶奶家的院子外面的晒场上玩起了背人对抗的游戏。 电视剧主要在刻画何凡这个卑微平凡的凡人是如何用...