Plot Summary:This is the story about a woman who sets out on a trip with a friend one month before her wedding day. As a result of being caught up in one freak accident after another, she is unable to return home. This woman, driven by emotion, meets many people on her journey, and touches the hearts of each one.
睢园旧主 • 还行
以前看过一集,觉得好无聊,弃了 最近日剧荒,就重新看了,居然觉得还可以,比现在的日剧好看多了(可见现在的日剧水准真的下滑厉害) 女主太倒霉,就是回不了家,我都急死了,就像挠痒就是挠不到 弟弟小泉公子三...