更新日期: 2021-05-21
主演:Trupti Agarwal Gaurav Arora Ashwath Bhatt
导演:Vikram Bhatt / 编剧:未知
导演:Vikram Bhatt
主演:Trupti Agarwal Gaurav Arora Ashwath Bhatt
秘密是相爱的人之间最大的敌人,就像一颗定时炸弹,伺机等待毁掉美好的一切。瑞罕听从沙伊娜的建议,为了更好的工作和生活离开印度再次来到罗马尼亚,沙伊娜兴高采烈的规划着二人未来的生活,却得不到瑞罕的赞同与支持,甚至爆发了更激烈的争吵。沙伊娜隐约感觉瑞罕有心事却不肯说,而更可怕的是沙伊娜渐渐的开始看见一些别人看不到的东西,甚至是莫名其妙的出现在距家几十公里外的电话亭却不自知。对于沙伊娜的恐惧,瑞罕却不以为意。愈演愈烈的诡异行为究竟是沙伊娜的恶作剧,还是存在着可怕的操控者?适时出现的阿迪蒂亚这位前男友能否代替瑞罕拯救沙伊娜?相爱的两个人又将面对怎样的结局... ...Rehaan and Shaina are newly married as Rehaan gets a job offer as a Venture Capitalist for the East European Finance Company they had actually fallen in love in Romania,Shaina insists Rehan to take up the job while Rehan is reluctant a she has a secret to hide in Romania,Shaina soon experiences paranormal activities but Rehan refuses to believe while on a business trip Rehan receives a frantic call from Shaina requesting for help as she is trapped in telephone booth in a rural area where she had gone to seek help on paranormal activities happening around her.Shaina and Rehaan take the help of a local Priest but he cant help them much,Aditya Shrivastava former lover of Shaina comes to rescue her from the evil spirit.