日本映画の黄金時代を支えた独立プロによる名作を紹介するシリーズに、原爆投下直後の広島の惨状を描いたドラマが登場。終戦後のある学校で、女生徒が原爆症によって倒れる。同じように被爆している生徒たちの胸には、地獄のような風景が甦っていた。To win the war, the Americans dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Hiroshima (1953) is the story of the former seen through the eyes of the targeted civilians, in general, and the children, in particular, as they live amidst the war, then as victims of the atomic bomb, and subsequently as they try to subsist in the aftermath - if they were not one of the 100,000 corpses, that is.