Advertising is based on one thing: Happiness. And you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car… It’s freedom from fear. It’s a billboard on the side of the road that screams with reassurance that whatever you’re doing is okay. You are okay.
广告是如何操纵人们的心理的呢?我们专业都学到过,广告人跟消费者之间存在着信息不对称,广告人除了做调研、使用统计模型,还应用心理学关于视觉感知与欲望的本质的研究来设计广告,努力渗透到消费者的无意识层面,在人们浑然不觉的情况下操纵他们的行为。但男主并这样认为。他排斥关于消费者反应的科学计算,更喜欢用自己的直觉去把握消费者的心理,更愿意去借助于电影和诗歌而非心理学报告。Just think about it. Deeply. Then forget it. And an idea will…jump up in your face.
剧中的许多案例看似只是简简单单的琐碎工作,为何要花上这么多时间?凝结的心思,创意点需要大量的构思与积累。“如果广告很好,那么人们从来不会认为它有用。”广告的直接收益并不能直接量化表示,却能深刻感受到。The world is built on human’s needs. We are in charge of their needs.(The Case The Slogan The Fantasy)
广告+纽约,从来不会沉闷。开始看后发现剧情和预先想象得完全不一样,没有想象地欢快活力四射,但随着剧情深入而渐入佳境。Don平时不动声色,每每在关键时刻三句两句就给出极佳的创意,表面上仍然一副眉头微锁的凛然。顶替他人身份,内心无法填补的缺憾,无限风流事;妻子经常of course挂在嘴边,其实怀念着过去当模特的日子,家庭主妇与社会脱节的担忧,对于丈夫的逐渐疏离感,内心问题无处诉说的无奈,在手持猎枪射击鸽子时得到很好的体现。“女人不是古董,好的女人放在家里除了生灰就是出轨。”寂寞何人倾诉?那些表面上光鲜亮丽、完美如蛋糕上的小人的夫妻,其实内心都有着许许多多的困扰。What do women want? Any excuse to get closer.
Don Draper给柯达圆盘式幻灯机构思创意时,联想到了自己的家庭,剧中他把自己不同时期的家庭照片放在圆盘幻灯机上一桢桢前后播放。用品牌传达态度与情感,用怀旧感勾起顾客美好回忆,在座的客户和文案都被Don所感染到,广告主当场推掉了之后和其他公司的会谈。我特意把这段摘录了下来:
Technology is a glittering lure, but there is the rare occasion when the public can be engaged on a level beyond flash. If they have a sentimental bond with the product. My first job I was in-house at a fur company. This old pro copy writer. A Greek named Teddy. And Teddy told me the most important idea in advertising is "new." It creates an itch. You simply put your product in there as a kind of calamine lotion. But he also talked about a deeper bond with a product. Nostalgia. It's delicate but potent. Switch it on. Teddy told me that in Greek, nostalgia literally means, 'the pain from an old wound.' It's a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone. This device isn't a spaceship, it's a time machine. It goes backwards and forwards. And it takes us to a place where we ache to go again. It's not called 'The Wheel.' It's called 'The Carousel.' It lets us travel the way a child travels. Around and around and back home again. A place where we know we are loved.
富甲天下的美国梦,品味不凡的纽约客,风起云涌的60年,不拘一格的广告人——生存或死亡从来不是一个问题——泡到女人和卖掉广告才是世界转动的原因。Keep Calm and Smoke and Drink.