Don有次去找他的嬉皮士女友,门口多了一个男人。后来,他称呼Don为:the ad man。Donald Draper,这个麦迪逊大街上的狠角色在广告世界外只是一个符号——恰如片头的黑色剪影,没有面孔,拿公文包,路过女人的双腿,坠落,坠落,独自一人,抽烟——a-d-m-a-n,他和“他们”是美国1960s曼哈顿广告人的群像,没什么两样,用嬉皮士的话,他们“look square” "create lies” "are just boring middle class people"。
最后,嬉皮士女朋友跟嬉皮士男朋友跑了,Don留给她一张支票对她说,“get yourself a car”,模样和给他弟弟adam whitman五万美金让弟弟别再打扰自己的生活如出一辙。
Peggy在一次不欢而散的相亲里对男方说:“Those people, in Manhattan?They are better than us. Cuz they want things they haven/t seen.”她对曼哈顿女孩的理解不局限在男方说的act like a Manhattan(表现得像个曼哈顿人),而是拥有的一种精神状态。60s的曼哈顿对广告人来说是黄金城,对有事业的女人来说则是接踵而至的male gaze(男性凝视)。面对Peggy想出的那句绝妙的“boxes of kisses”(belle jollie口红广告),男人们的反应是“像在看猴子弹钢琴”,随之一阵哄笑,60s女性在职场的生存氛围可见一斑。
I don't understand. I'm trying to do my job, I follow the rules. And people hate me.
Innocent people get hurt and other people, people who are not good
get to walk around and do whatever they want.
Who cares?
This country was built and run by men with worse stories than whatever you've imagined here.
The japanese has a saying, a man is whatever room he is in
and right now, Donald Draper is in this room.