两天重刷了Apprentice S1 (2004),评价从这里看出的美国总统Trump: 1. He seems to me a guy patronizing a lot,我觉得他的理想是当一个励精图治的国王,他做事会以mark things with personal flavor而非以监治统一的民主国家为出发点。2. 在这里他看人是非常准的,but the choice of whom to fire is not difficult actually。He plays number games all the time: both in money and in probability. (崇尚简单化、数字和概率)但我觉得他更像个人主义者,而非自由主义者。3. 他有一个奇怪的社会达尔文主义变种的理论 (i.e. genetic pool),I seriously wonder what will become of it。4. 觉得他的leadership缺少flexibility,and I wonder what will become of it as he is the biggest boss now in the country。