我们可以买一艘属于自己的飞船。我要飞遍整个银河系。We can get our own ship. See the galaxy, all of it.
探索新世界,学习宝贵的技能,给银河系带来秩序和稳定。Explore new worlds. Learn valuable skills. Bring order and unity to the galaxy.
我不虚此生,宝贝。跟你在一起的日子是我最珍贵的一段时光。It's been a ride, babe. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
做好被所有人背叛的准备,你就永远不会措手不及。Assume everyone will betray you and you will never be disappointed.
每个人都要为别人做事,即便是德赖登也是听命于别人。Everyone serves somebody, Han. Even Dryden Vos.
戴着这副面具我会抗争到底,我们不是土匪,我们是同盟军,战争才刚开始。wore the mask. To fight back. We're not marauders. We're allies and the war has just begun.
你的目标不是赢,而是尽力活到最后。The object isn't to win. It's just to stay in it as long as you can.
每次我想象自己跟你一起冒险的时候,我就会微笑。Whenever I imagined myself off with you on some adventure...Always makes me smile.
很少有人亲眼见过星洞星云,美得窒息,就像你的眼睛。Very few people have actually seen the StarCave Nebula. It's breathtaking. Not unlike your eyes.