Q1:based on ur observation, what's the biggest difference between boy racers and girl racers,cos i think they are all passionate and courageous.
好遗憾,能力有限,她的回答不能完整复述,但关键词我记着 reckless, more conscious of themselves, prevent from getting hurt. 前者说的是男孩更加不要命,无所顾忌,后两者指女孩更有自我保护意识吧。
Q2: we all know that documentary is the record of people's real life, but i do think it also requires director's imagination, so could u tell me how does it show in this film?
A: great question, let me think, imagination.....u know, i try to think of a typical plot to explain that 最终她想到了,解释的跟我预想的答案也差不多,就是镜头的剪辑糅合上配乐,能否达到预设,带给观众各种shock,都需要想象力。