剧末”Poeple invented stories about werewoflves and vampires to explain the evil in the world. Could not belive that people were capable of such violence."
E04 黑色蜘蛛侠
姓名是Ian moone (=I AM NO ONE)
后续一直没再交代过这单案子....so 纠结
E05 囤积者
关于因果,CM中大部分的案子都能够归结出因果。尽管那之中大多都是遵循了弗洛伊德的理论---童年阴影理论。而相比之下,CSI更侧重向于社会现实层面,Like Sara said :"Sometimes when we're faced with crimes that are so... incomprehensible... we want answers. We want to believe that there's some order to things.Sometimes there just isn't.."这种极差真颠覆,或许其实因为我还只是个性本善论者。
剧末”The philosopher Erich Fromm, he forecast a society that was obsessed with possessions. He believed that human beings had two basic orientations: having and being. A person with a having orientation seeks to acquire and possess things, property, even people. But a person with a being orientation focuses on the experience. They derive meaning from exchanging, engaging and sharing with other people.Unfortunately, Formm also predicted that a culture driven by commercialism, like the one we living today, is doomed to the having orientation.Which leads to dissatisfaction and emptiness....Things don't have to mean everything nor do they have to be devoid of meaning. They are one of the ways which we can experience and enjoy life.“