主演:哈威·凯特尔 热拉尔·德帕迪约 加布里埃尔·斯巴修 劳拉·莫兰特
二战期间,纳粹占领下的罗马尼亚村庄中德军士兵被杀,德军限令村人第二天交出凶手,否则将杀害村中十位头面人物。危急之际,众人想到让村里的疯子伊普冒名顶罪,一场混合着笑与泪的战争喜剧便由此开始……本片翻拍自1972年的罗马尼亚影片《伊普之死》,演员阵容豪华,除由法国影帝大鼻子情圣德帕迪约领衔外,更有老戏骨哈威·凯特尔(《落水狗》、《钢琴课》)及威尼斯影后劳拉·莫瑞特(《心之归属》)倾情助演。影片画面精致,结局最是出人意料。Once upon a time, during WWII, somewhere in Nazi occupied Romania, a night of comic misadventures ensues when a boy discovers a dead soldier. The German authorities demand that the perpetrator must be identified or the town leaders will be shot the following morning. In their desperation, led by Father Johanis (Harvey Keitel), their salvation seems to lie in convincing the town "fool", Ipu (Gérard Depardieu), to agree to confess, and save them all with his sacrifice. The comedy and darker sides of human nature race toward the deadline where one cannot help but wonder who, in fact, is the actual "fool"?