在信州松本市的本庄医院,年轻有为的内科医生栗原一止(樱井翔 饰)受到当地百姓的信赖,在从医5年时间里,他和同事们过着“24小时365天”的紧张生活,虽然人手不足,但是他和砂山次郎(要润 饰)、外村静枝(吉濑美智子 饰)、东西直美(池肋千鹤 饰)、水无阳子(朝仓秋 饰)以及前辈贯田诚一郎(柄本明 饰)齐心协力,用心照顾着每一位来此求助的病患。栗原的妻子榛名(宫崎葵 饰)是一名自由摄影师,夫妻二人聚少离多,却能彼此温暖疲惫的心灵。某天,栗原获得了回到母校医科大学深造的机会,而深深信赖他的病患又不断前来,他和周围的人都面临着两难的选择…… 本片为原上野地区的医生夏川草介的同名原作改编。There is a degree of realism when a professional in the field writes about his vocation and such is the case here. Adopted from a novel written by a doctor and set in Nagano, doctor Kuriharai is overwhelmed by the number and variety of patients he has to see due to a shortage of physicians where he practices. He aspires to work somewhere more convenient, specialize and see more of his wife, but faces a dilemma many other doctors experience. What will happen to his patients should he move on?