耳朵:缺乏音乐细胞的街头艺人蜷缩街角,拉着走调的手风琴,折磨路人的神经。红发音乐家为他示范一段美妙的音乐,让艺人明白他的耳朵阻碍了他的演奏。艺人偶然得到一只带血的天才耳朵,为了艺术,他割掉了自己不成器的耳朵…… 停止的时间:单身青年手执枯萎的花束,逡巡在夜晚的城市街道。他走入空无艺人的酒馆,孤独之情溢于言表。年迈的酒保将金币投入点唱钢琴之中,随着美妙音乐缓缓流出,小小的酒馆开始热闹起来…… 魔法的精华:喧嚣的酒馆归于平静,酒醉的男人们骑着摩托回家,摔倒在路中央。空酒瓶里冒出奇怪的精灵,实现了他们心中的心愿……A feature-length narrative animated film from one of the directors of Fimfárum 2. Mysterious and extraordinary stories of loneliness. What all can happen during one night in one city? Do you know what happens when a person sews on somebody else's ear? Can you meet a genie in Zizkov who will make any wish imaginable come true? Do you think there are places where time stands still? Do you know what can disrupt an insect circus performance, what a local hunter's goal is, and what excites his neighbor? Can a carp and a tree become friends?