导演:石立太一 藤田春香 木上益治 武本康弘 小川太一 山村卓也 北之原孝将
主演:石川由依 子安武人 浪川大辅 远藤绫 内山昂辉 茅原实里 户松遥
某个大陆的、某个时代。 大陆南北分割的战争结束了,世界走向了和平。 在战争中作为军人的薇尔莉特•伊芙加登,怀抱着对她来说无比重要之人留下的“话语”,离开军队来到了大港口城市。 踊跃的人群在排列着煤气灯的街道马路上来来往往地穿梭着。薇欧瑞特在街道上找到了“代写书信”的工作。那是根据委托人的想法来组织出相应语言的工作。 她直面委托人、触碰着他们内心深处的坦率感情。与此同时,薇欧瑞特在记录书信时,渐渐明白那“话语”的含义。Violet Evergarden, a young girl formerly known as "the weapon," has left the battlefield to start a new life at CH Postal Service. There, she is deeply moved by the work of "Auto Memories Dolls," who carry people's thoughts and convert them into words. So begins her journey as an Auto Memories Doll, and comes face to face with various people's emotions and differing shapes of love. All the while searching for the meaning of those words.