纽约湾的海域里生活着一个飞鱼家族,年轻的飞鱼Kevin(李俊宇 配音)已被父亲选中作为下一代的头鱼。他梦想着有一天能带领整个家族前往飞鱼故乡巴巴多斯。在一次争吵后冲动地冒险挑战人类的捕鱼区,不幸被捕,来到了唐人街餐馆的鱼缸里,家族祖传的珍珠也下落不明。在餐馆里,Kevin认识了餐馆老板的儿子小宝(林颖 配音),一个表面内向沉默,心底却热爱冒险的中国小孩。他的父亲大宝每天强迫他练习厨艺,好迎接竞争对手不怀好意的挑战,也好在日后能接过家族的班。两人互相认识并获得友情。就在这时,Kevin家族的珍珠突然被纽约大盗Jack(孟非 配音)在躲避警察时丢回了这个鱼缸。接下来,因为这一偶然事件,Kevin、小宝、Jack,还有鱼缸里的鱼,这几个不同的世界交织在了一起,发生了一系列惊险、幽默、温情的故事。Kevin, a young flying fish, lives in the New York harbor. He dreams of leading his family back to Barbados-the mythical kingdom of the flying fish. One fateful day his adventurous nature finds him captured by a fishing ship and delivered to the fish tank of a famous restaurant in New York city's Chinatown, where he meets a quiet young boy who also longs for excitement and adventure. The two become fast friends and begin a daring quest to get Kevin back home to the sea.