主演:申河均 都暻秀 金东英 金钟秀 金钟求 朴修荣 全锡浩 郑熙泰 金度允 黄贞敏 郑胜吉 金智英 金泰汉 禹志贤
电影《7号室》以首尔一家即将倒闭的DVD房为背景,描述两个男人在DVD房7号室里,为了掩饰攸关性命的秘密,还有摆脱眼前困境而努力的故事。Tae-jung, the part-time worker of a DVD room, hides drugs in room #7 in exchange for wiping off his debt. When he goes back to the room to retrieve the drugs but realizes that the door is completely locked down by his employer, who also has secretly hidden a dead body inside. A dangerous battle of wits ensues between a man who must lock away the secret behind the door, and another, who must go inside.