电视台里,编剧秀贞(李恩珠 饰)爱上了有妇之夫的制片永硕(文成根 饰)。永硕的独立电影需要投资,秀贞便与永硕来到了永硕朋友杰勋(韩明求 饰)的画廊。这位朋友却对秀贞很感兴趣,更希望秀贞能成为自己的女朋友。秀贞开始与杰勋交往,一开始相处还算融洽,不久杰勋便想进一步与秀贞发展。仍是处女的秀贞对于性这件事颇为介意,杰勋见无法进一步得到秀贞,大感无奈。 秀贞一直爱着的永硕也对秀贞示爱了,秀贞不知该把自己的身体交给哪一个男人。A young man arrives at a hotel for an assignation; she calls to say she's not coming. He is Jae-hoon, she is Soo-jung; they've met through Young-soo, an independent filmmaker. Soo-jung writes for Young-soo; Jae-hoon may finance his film project. From varying points of view in two long parallel flashbacks, we see what precedes the hotel date. Details differ, and each account includes events missing from the other. Characters are quiet and self-contained, then animated; victims apologize. Each character frequently asks, "Really?" What has really happened? Is one account more accurate? Is a kiss the most enjoyable and promising human contact? Connections are tenuous and fragile.