在首尔求学的女大学生康喜真(南相美 饰)每日奔波劳碌,疲惫不堪。这日她接到母亲的电话,竟得知妹妹邵真(沈恩京 饰)失踪,下落不明。她匆匆赶回老家,然而母亲执迷不悟,以为只靠虔诚的祈祷邵真就能返回家中。面对母亲的麻木,喜真只得报警,但警官泰焕(柳承龙 饰)只将其当作一般的离家出走处理。 不久,一个女子在喜真家的窗前吊颈并坠楼而死。泰焕从死者房间找到一封遗书,其中甚至提到邵真的名字。泰焕无法从喜真母亲那里得到任何线索,只得从小区管理员那里探知线索。却得知邵真竟一曾被鬼附身,整个案件开始朝着诡异的方向发展……When 13-year-old So-Jin disappears, her elder sister Hee-Jin returns to the apartment of their religious-maniac mother. Tae-Hwan, a cop, who reluctantly has to take the case seriously is confronted with more and more suicides that are difficult to explain rationally. And why does the skeptical Hee-Jin, who keeps having gruesome encounters with suicides, have to keep coughing?