主演:刘青云 林家栋 李小璐 江一燕 郭晓东 凤小岳 孙佳君
银行相继倒闭,大批失业游民流落街头。一连串离奇自杀案件仿佛指引着松东路去探究隐藏在其背后更大的黑幕。十年前被掩埋的屠村案件被揭开、疑犯通过文字游戏传递着口令,接踵而至的案件掀起了巨大的恐慌,城中风云攒动,人人自危,富商、警察、教授、学生……每个人的言行举止都充满疑点,而每个人都在猜测下一个离奇自杀的会不会是自己?究竟是谁密谋了这一切,让这个原本美好的地方变成了绝望之城?寻找真相迫在眉睫……A women's prison in the Northern China in 1932, Prisoner FU Yuan (JIANG Yiyan) digs a tunnel in her prison cell with a silver spoon and escapes. Inspector SONG Donglu (LAU Ching-wan) is summoned to investigate FU's escape. By tracking down the letters sent to him by FU, it sets SONG off to Hong City to unravel FU's disappearance.