更新日期: 2019-05-14
主演:Jeffe Alperi Robert Chadwick Catherine E. Coulson Eddy Dixon Frederic Golchan Rick Guillory Michael Horse Patrick Houser Stan Lothridge Peggy Lynch Virginia Maitland Dorothy McGinnis Jack Nance Russ Pearlman
导演:大卫·林奇 / 编剧:未知
主演:Jeffe Alperi Robert Chadwick Catherine E. Coulson Eddy Dixon Frederic Golchan Rick Guillory Michael Horse Patrick Houser Stan Lothridge Peggy Lynch Virginia Maitland Dorothy McGinnis Jack Nance Russ Pearlman
本部短片集由六部前卫奇异的短片组成,穿插导演大卫·林奇独树一帜的解说,自由游走在现实与超现实的世界里。 《六个患病的人》由六个恐怖的素描头像患病开始,他们呕吐、流血,腐烂的器官跟苍白的呕吐物,反反复复的重复着。《字母表》里一个睡着的小女孩,被阴森恐怖的字母歌吓醒,“ABC,ABC,ABC……”,如同一场噩梦。《祖母》讲述一个小男孩为了摆脱残暴父母的控制,开始在楼上的卧室里种植奇怪的种子。随着这棵树的枝繁叶茂,血腥丑陋的树根下,一位和善的老奶奶被种了出来。可当他的父母发现时,悲剧开始了。《被截肢者》讲述一个双腿残缺的年轻姑娘,给她的情人写信的故事。《牛仔与法国人》是发生在三个牛仔与一位迷路的法国人之间的故事。他们虽然语言不通,但是友善使他们彼此熟识,彻夜狂欢。《卢米埃尔》则是像法国导演卢米埃尔致敬的终结之作。This collection of David Lynch's short films cover the first 29 years of his career. Each film is given a special introduction by the director himself. His earliest underground films Six Figures Getting Sick (1966), The Alphabet (1968), The Grandmother (1970) and The Amputee (1974) are showcased as well as two requisitioned works well into his successful career The Cowboy and the Frenchman (1988) and his addition for Lumière and Company (1995).