主演:绫濑遥 长泽雅美 夏帆 广濑铃 大竹忍 堤真一 加濑亮 风吹淳 中川雅也 前田旺志郎 铃木亮平 坂口健太郎 树木希林
临海古都镰仓,顺山而成的小镇,不起眼的角落里生活着香田家四姐妹。她们的父亲早年和情人离家出走,母亲则干脆将女儿们抛给了外婆照顾。外婆去世后,外孙女们继承了这栋有着悠久历史的大房子。过早担负起家庭重任的大姐香田幸(绫濑遥 饰),尽心尽力照顾着两个妹妹佳乃(长泽雅美 饰)、千佳(夏帆 饰)健康成长。这一天,父亲去世的消息传到姐妹手中。她们结伴而行参加了父亲的葬礼,并且结识了从未谋面的异母妹妹浅野铃(广濑丝丝 饰)。许是血缘中的亲近之感,幸在临行前邀请铃搬来镰仓同住。未过多久,抱着对姐姐们的憧憬,铃迈入了父亲曾经生活过的房子。四季流转,姐妹们的故事悄然上演…… 本片根据吉田秋生的同名漫画改编。Three sisters live together in their late grandmother's house in the city of Kamakura. They have lived together since their dad left home for another woman. They have lived together since their mum imitated her husband by running off with another man... Sachi, 29, the oldest Koda sister, a nurse at the local hospital, acts as a substitute mother to Yoshino, 22, and Chika, 19. One day, the threesome learns of the death of their "traitor" father and it is only halfheartedly that they go to his funeral. But in Yamagata something unexpected happens: they meet their half-sister Suzu, 13, there and immediately fall for the spell of this exquisite young creature. Sensing that Yoko, her father's widow, will not be a fit guardian. Sachi invites Suzu to move to Kamakura home...