主演:郑容和 李沇熹 崔宇植 尹博 柳承秀 河诗恩 郑圭洙 李智贤 朴柔娜
尹素素(李沇熹 饰)不顾父母的反对,和在大学时期结识了前辈男友私奔到了欧洲,遗憾的是,这段感情并没能够走到最后,最终,尹素素和前辈分道扬镳。如此一来,在陌生的异国他乡,尹素素必须开始学习怎样靠自己的双手养活自己,就这样,她成为了一名导游。 山马陆(郑容和 饰)有一个交往多年的女友,虽然两人之间感情十分的要好,但也难免遭遇生活里的吵吵闹闹。这一次,山马陆又和女友吵架了,于是他选择踏上了一个人的孤独旅程前往法国,而尹素素正好就是负责接待他所参与的旅行团的导游,在阴差阳错之下,两人相识了。Yoon So-So (Lee Yeon-Hee) works as a travel guide in France. She leads a group of tourists on a package tour. The travelers all have their own stories. San Ma-Roo (Jung Yong-Hwa) joined the tour after being dumped by his girlfriend. Kim Gyung-Jae (Choi Woo-Sik) has been dating for the past 10 years. A mysterious man (Yoon Park) seems to follow Yoon So-So. Jung Yeon-Sung (Ryu Seung-Soo) joined the package tour with a partner, but he will not reveal what kind of relationship they are in. Han So-Ran (Ha Shi-Eun) is a web designer and agonizes over staying single or marriage. Oh Gab-Soo (Jeong Gyu-Su) is extremely stubborn. Han Book-Ja (Lee Ji-Hyeon) spent most of her life taking care of her husband. Na Hyun (Park Yoo-Na) is a woman whom other people cannot guess her age. They all do not want to become involved in each other's personal lives, but, while they travel together, they become closer and develop relationships.