主演:阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃 杰瑞米·埃尔卡伊姆 菲利普·劳登巴赫 奥利维尔·博彻 弗朗索瓦兹·勒布伦 萨沙·布铎 埃琳娜·勒文松
在生活窘困之时,一位磨坊主将女儿卖给了魔鬼。受到纯洁之心的保护,女孩从恶魔手中逃出,却被剥夺走了一双手。In hard times, a miller sells his daughter to the Devil. Protected by her purity, she escapes but is deprived of her hands. Walking away from her family, she encounters the goddess of water, a gentle gardener and the prince in his castle. A long journey towards the light...