更新日期: 2019-07-23
主演:David Pugh Roy Evans Rosamund Greenwood
导演:托尼·斯科特 / 编剧:未知
主演:David Pugh Roy Evans Rosamund Greenwood
这部电影,男主角一开始就死了,且再也没有活过来……颤栗扭曲的氛围、诡异的情感、罕见独特的叙事方式构成了一部颇有些不同寻常的英国电影。《爱的回忆》是部关于伤痛的片子,封面的老者要讲述的并不是爱情的阵痛或对告别过去的忧伤,而是真真实实的丧子之痛。这种伤痛即使坚忍了20多年,用单调的生活和枯燥的工作来压抑也依然无法抹去或遗忘,反倒成了一种病态,恍惚,让人不寒而栗。本片可以算得上是被忽视的英国电影佳作,学院派的电影语言扎实又富有表现力,文本新奇又犀利,非常值得称道。The film concerns an elderly couple played by Rosamund Greenwood and Roy Evans, who we later discover to be brother and sister, who accidentally run over and kill a young cyclist played by David Pugh on a lonely northern moor - but instead of reporting the incident to the police the woman decides to take the corpse home with them. There she dresses him in the clothes of a second brother, killed in the Second World War, shows him her photo-albums, and tries to engage him in conversation. Her brother, meanwhile, gathers wood to build a coffin. Greenwood has the only speaking part in the movie and largely carries it; she gives a subtle, heart-rending performance as a sister clinging to her past. Memories of the War hang heavily over the house - quite literally in the form of an aircraft propeller suspended from the ceiling that the woman booby-traps in order to prevent her brother burying the corpse.