主演:铃村健一 诹访部顺一 能登麻美子 久川绫 幸田夏穗 真殿光昭 柚木凉香 佐久间红美 杉田智和 森川智之 泽海阳子 桑岛法子 熊井统子 河野靖 相泽正辉 上田祐司 雪野五月 铃木弘子 坪井智浩
In this prequel to the "X" TV series, a beautiful, young, bedridden dreamgazer named Kakyou remembers the life and death of a remarkable young woman whom he met in dreams. He also recounts his dreams of a tragic future in which the fate of the Earth will be decided.Trapped alone in a world of dreams, a young man pines away for the love he has lost. His name is Kakyou Kuzuki, and in his dreams, he sees the future of our fragile planet. A great battle is approaching, a war of destiny to destroy the Earth, or to save it. Two sides, two points of view clash in apocalyptic strength, in a struggle that will tear the world apart and destroy the lives of many. Kakyou's love was the first casualty. Now, comatose and wishing only for death so he can join his beloved, he watches as the gears of fate begin to turn, and the soldiers of destiny march towards doom...