1937年,日本军国主义的铁蹄践踏了文明古城北平。著名学界泰斗吴明泰携助手舒立娟毅然回到北平,临危受命,担任北平京华大学校长,为粉碎日本军国主义的“大东亚文化战略”,亲领柳剑白、尚文井、陈敬庄等爱国学者,历经艰险,忍辱负重,将大学南迁长沙,最后到昆明,保护了大批莘莘学子。抗战结束后,吴明泰又率领学人回迁北平。国民政府腐朽没落,在以胡思良为代表的中共地下党人的努力下,吴明泰等学人不顾蒋介石真金白银的诱惑,坚决抵制南迁台湾,粉碎了国民党所谓的“拯救学人计划”,毅然留在北京,迎来新中国的诞生。The summer of 1937, the Japanese launched an all-out war of aggression, Peking was surrounded on three sides, is at stake. Boston University professor Wu Mingtai patriotic scholars, regardless of yellow orchids lovers opposition, and his assistant Shu Lijuan resolutely embarked on a return journey back to China. After return to Peking, Wu Mingtai stepped in as Peking University Beijing, for crushing Japanese militarism "Great East Asian culture strategy," Liu Jian personally led white, still Wenjing, Chan King Zhuang patriotic scholar overcame hardships humiliation, moved to the University of Southern Changsha, finally arrived in Kunming, the protection of a large number of students.