主演:武井咲 佐佐木藏之介 生濑胜久 和田正人 绪方义博 六角精儿 尾美利德 青柳翔 小松和重 水泽绘玲奈 宫﨑香莲 桥爪功 真矢美纪
验尸是人类接受的最后的医疗,而法医则是依靠查明真正死因来维护死者的尊严。关东中央监察医务院,每年验尸数高达1.4万具,解剖数达2500具,但是依然难免有死者蒙受不白之冤却无法昭雪。这一天,新任法医松本真央(武井咲 饰)来到中央医务院,她有着美丽的面庞和极高的智商,此前曾在美国求学的她全然不懂得日本人待人接物所必需的理解和言辞,似乎全部的兴趣都在那些冷冰冰的尸体上。她的到来令一心回大学的法医部长泉泽郁夫(生濑胜久 饰)颇为挠头,也让美女法医印田恭子(真矢美季 饰)升起敌意好奇心。 真央以自我的方式追查尸体背后的真相,同时也在追寻母亲死因的事件上全速奔走……Matsumoto Mao is suppose to become the new medical examiner and visit the USA at the age of 10. While there she is to study advanced placement 3rd year Forensics. she has an IQ of over 150. Suddenly she becomes like an ordinary person confusing everybody, except Kyoko. A rush of bodies come in for autopsy. A middle aged man who apparently fell for a scaffolding at a construction site comes in. Mao begins the autopsy without a speck of the days exhaustion showing. She discoveries that he did not simply head his head while falling.