更新日期: 2019-05-14
主演:Aleksei Panin Dmitri Dyuzhev Nikita Mikhalkov Sergei Makovetsky Viktor Sukhorukov
导演:Aleksei Balabanov / 编剧:未知
主演:Aleksei Panin Dmitri Dyuzhev Nikita Mikhalkov Sergei Makovetsky Viktor Sukhorukov
故事讲的是在九十年代中期两位主人公谢罗莎和塞门一直在黑社会摸爬滚打,在为老板追回被抢走的一箱海洛因时,对事业和生活有了一种新的感想。他们想放弃日夜血腥地无止境的黑社会生涯,并借助老板的一箱海洛因最终改写命运的故事,故事情节一环扣一环,直到最后才显出端倪……Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head. There are more than 20 Russian-movie stars in the film, but you will not be able to recognize them immediately since they are all in disguise.