更新日期: 2020-01-23
主演:瓦尔·劳伦 Christian Patrick Brenden Gregory Brad Roberge Robbie Acklen Osbaldo Daniel Alvarez Andres Barcelo Samantha Barrows Nick Buda Seana Carroll 詹姆斯·弗兰科 迈克尔·兰南 特拉维斯·马修斯 Matthew McKelligon 乔尔·迈克利 杰克·罗宾斯 Lane Stewart
主演:瓦尔·劳伦 Christian Patrick Brenden Gregory Brad Roberge Robbie Acklen Osbaldo Daniel Alvarez Andres Barcelo Samantha Barrows Nick Buda Seana Carroll 詹姆斯·弗兰科 迈克尔·兰南 特拉维斯·马修斯 Matthew McKelligon 乔尔·迈克利 杰克·罗宾斯 Lane Stewart
詹姆斯·弗兰科拍摄的这部最新“同志性爱艺术电影”,是为阿尔·帕西诺的1980年争议电影“虎口巡航”(Cruising)做修复重拍。奥斯卡导演威廉·弗莱德金当年这部反映同志地下SM文化的电影由于题材惊世骇俗,被美国分级协会MPAA划入了X级片。为通过审查上映电影最后被迫删 掉了40分钟从而侥幸升级为R级片。然而删减严重影响了成片品质,金酸梅更将该片直接送上年度最烂电影黑名单。2010年弗莱德金打算为“虎口巡航”30周年推出完整收藏版,但发行方华纳兄弟发现删减部分的原始胶片已经找不到了!本片并非补拍原始剧情,而是复原当年拍摄的现场,以片中片的形式从弗兰科的角度讲述遗失的40分钟。◎QAFIn order to avoid an X rating, 40 minutes of gay S&M footage was rumored to be cut and destroyed from the 1980 film, "Cruising." Inspired by the mythology of this controversial film, filmmakers James Franco and Travis Mathews collaborate to imagine their own lost footage. Amid the backdrop of a frenzied film set actor Val Lauren reluctantly agrees to take the lead in the film. Val is repeatedly forced to negotiate his boundaries during scenes on and "off camera," as unsimulated gay sex happens around him. The film itself is constructed as a play with boundaries remaining queer in subject and form. As much a film about filmmaking as it is about an exploration of sexual and creative freedom, "Interior. Leather Bar." defies easy categorization.