主演:刘德华 张学友 陈冠希 余文乐 林苑 吴倩莲 林家栋 徐少强 曾志伟 苗侨伟 杜汶泽 林雪 惠英红 何华超 王青 夏萍
江湖大佬洪仁就(刘德华 饰)功成名就,无奈高处不胜寒,手下高佬(曾志伟 饰)等人心怀鬼胎,似乎唯有多年来为其出生入死、情愿肝脑涂地的好兄弟左手(张学友 饰)值得信赖。洪喜得贵子之际,得悉有人买凶取他性命。饱经风雨的洪冷静对待,坐看风起。曾几何时,混在江湖底层的翼仔(余文乐 饰)目睹大哥死状,遂决心以死复仇。好兄弟铁臂(陈冠希 饰)虽患其安危,却仍寸步不离,紧随其后。命中注定的终点,每前进一步都是那样艰难。 夜深人静,洪仁就与左手对坐用餐,觥筹交错,美食盛宴,哪管外面草菅人命,血流成河。凶险肃杀之夜,兄弟情义承受着最大的考验……When Triad leader Hung's wife gives birth to a baby boy, Hung considers leaving the world of the gangsters. Despite the fact that he is not sure of his decision, word gets out fast and now, a brutal war begins in the world of "jiang-hu". Two hoodlums, Wing and Turbo, set to make a name for themselves, are ordered to kill Hung. Meanwhile, an internal conflict begins between Hung and his #1 man, Left-Hand. Despite this conflict, the two have nothing but respect for each other. However, they know deep down, that there are people waiting to get rid of Hung.