海军上校达吉(凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer 饰)生性狂放不羁,因为屡犯军纪而被贬职,成为了即将报废的潜水艇“刺鱼一号”的舰长。尽管潜水艇上的船员们尽是一些乌合之众,但达吉却和他们颇为“臭味相投”,之后调来的美丽女上尉雷科(罗伦·荷莉 Lauren Holly 饰)更是让达吉觉得自己来对了地方。 在一次军事演习中,达吉率领刺鱼一号完成了一次根本不可能完成的任务,将军格兰(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)是达吉的宿敌,心生妒忌的他再次给达吉出了难题。然而,让格兰没有想到的是,达吉凭借着勇气和幸运再一次侥幸完成任务,但这并没能让格兰回心转意,他甚至企图夺走达吉身为舰长的权利。Lt. Cmdr. Tom Dodge is assigned as Captain to the USS Stingray, an old diesel driven submarine that has seen better days. With a crew that consists only of weird guys (and a gal), he's headed against the atomic powered USS Orlando, with the mission to destroy a dummy battleship.