【剧情】影片通过“高空特技跳伞三人组”——稳重内敛的领导者麦克、乐观积极的乔、年轻内向的马尔科姆的全国巡回演出展开故事,他们来到堪萨斯城一小镇,计划七月四日在小镇上空进行跳伞表演。他们在马尔科姆多年未曾谋面的姨妈伊丽莎白家留宿一宿。婚姻并不美满的伊丽莎白和麦克产生了感情,麦克希望伊丽莎白能同自己远走高飞,遭到拒绝。次日表演高空跳伞时,善于求变创新的麦克在拿手戏“蝙蝠斗篷”表演时没有拉开背包当场毙命。马尔科姆为了纪念麦克,在第三天再度表演“蝙蝠斗篷”。On a 4th of July weekend, three barnstorming skydivers arrive to perform in a small Kansas town. They are hosted by the youngest member Webson's aunt, the unhappily married Elizabeth. While Browdy one-nights with a topless dancer, a doomed romance flares up between Elizabeth and Rettig. Tension builds, and explodes with a spectacular skydiving show.