宋朝年间,滇城小镇贪官跋扈,贪风盛行。衙门捕快宋斗(李南星饰)看似胆小如鼠,贪生怕死。他时常光顾一家叫“天下第一厨”的饭庄,老板娘柳非雁(范文芳饰)泼辣霸道,好管闲事。京城辩才一流、不畏强权的三品大官冯破布(欧阳震华饰),不慎惹怒皇上,将他贬到滇城当县令师爷。 滇城出现侠盗“我来也”,专管天下不平事,专偷贪官污吏不义之财用以劫富济贫。殊不知,这位百姓对其感激不尽的侠盗,竟是佯装胆小怕事的捕快宋斗。冯破布号称“怪侠一枝梅”,他到任之后就发现县令与丞相勾结,遂与宋斗联手将县令罢免。冯破布当上县令后,与宋斗互相配合,屡破奇案,令百姓安居乐业。然而这对在公合作无间的谋臣将士,却同时爱上了同一个女人——柳非雁。This comedic period drama is about the tales and exploits of Nanxing Li, a loafer by day and a hero (in black) by night. Hongkong actor Bobby Au-yeung is the goofy but righteous magistrate, while his mother Pei-pei Cheng is a stern disciplinarian. But perhaps the greatest breakthrough is Fann Wong as a loud restaurant owner with a reputation for being fierce and shrewish.