主演:塞斯·盖贝尔 艾丹·奎因 巴勃罗·施瑞博尔 瑞诗玛·谢蒂 宝娃 马利克·约巴 多米尼克·福穆萨 扎克瑞·布斯 廖炳胜 莱斯·纳克里
驻守在伊拉克的一名国民自卫队的陆军中尉刚要被调离,在即将离任的最后一分钟,事情被搞得乱成一团,原因是他的一名士兵试图擅离职守。此时他不得不做出抉择,是选择袒护逃跑的士兵?还是……After being granted a questionable transfer that will keep him stateside as his National Guard unit deploys for Iraq, Lieutenant Danny Sefton becomes embroiled in a last minute AWOL attempt by one of his soldiers -- forcing him to choose between his loyalties to the fleeing soldier, his unit and his fiancé.