越是臭名远播的连环杀人犯,就越容易引来模仿犯。孟买连环杀手拉曼拉加夫(Raman Raghav) 在六十年代一共杀害41人。电影引用当年事件,把Raman Raghav 一分为二,Raman以凶残手段杀害无辜;Raghav 则负责调查凶案。兵和贼,看似二元对立,但在一章章的电影中,二元逐渐合并为一。宝莱坞电影教父又一别树一格作品,用后现代风格处理日常小事,把鸡毛蒜皮的小事都拍得令人回味。冷处理热炽惊心的犯罪现场,凶手脸上伤痕、眼神、颦笑都令人触目惊心。《美味情书》的纳华萨甸薛迪奇饰演变态杀人狂魔,不卖印度式歌舞温情,转卖印度式血腥,依旧震撼众人。Set in present day Mumbai the story follows the life of a serial killer Ramanna who is inspired by an infamous serial killer from the 1960s, Raman Raghav. His strange obsession with Raghavan, a young cop keeps growing as he closely follows him without his knowledge and often creates situations where both of them come face to face.